• Rowan ten Kate PhD Defence – 22th of May

    Founder of the Qualitative Research Group, and former Chair, Rowan ten Kate is to defend her PhD in May! She invites the network to attend this festive occasion.

    Dear colleagues,

    It is my pleasure to invite you to my PhD defense which will take place on Monday May 22th at 12.45, in Groningen. The title of my dissertation is Understanding loneliness among older migrants. While the dissertation only has quantitative chapters, I’d still like to invite you as I enjoyed my time as a chair and coordinator of the QRG. There is also the option to watch the livestream via YouTube. If you do decide to see the defense in real life, you are also welcome to join the reception at the Academy building after the defense.

    Best wishes,


    p.s. you can now reach me at r.l.f.tenkate@uu.nl

  • International Journal of Qualitative Methods invites contributions on Accessibility and Inclusion

    If you are concerned about accessibility and inclusion in qualitative research, you might be interested in considering this exciting opportunity to contribute to a special collection:

    Accessibility and Inclusion: Advancing the Use of Qualitative Research Methods for All

    The deadline for submissions is June 13th.

  • 6th of March 2023 – Debate on Gas-extraction research

    Last year, Tom Postmes presented his research on the gas-extraction related problems in the region of Groningen at the Qualitative Research Group. Since then, the research has advanced, and between June and October 2022, a parliamentary enquiry (similar to a truth and reconciliation commission) about this issue took place. It consisted of 69 public hearings and its final report will be presented on the 24th of February. After receiving this report, it is now important to reflect on the steps taken as well as those that lie ahead.

    Therefore, on Monday, March 6, Kennisplatform Groningen is organizing a debate in which, together with several speakers, they will interpret, reflect and discuss the future of the gas extraction dossier. Are you interested in participating? To find more info and registration for the event, please visit their website.

    Please note that the language of this event will be Dutch.