1 reply
Caitlin Grieve
March 5, 2023

Hello, I’m so hoping someone out there can please advise me on the following:

I’m part of a team working on a project in which we plan to thematically code and analyze interview transcripts through ATLAS.ti. In the past, it hasn’t always been the easiest to collaborate/ have multiple people code interviews through the desktop version of the software (i.e. changes on one person’s document don’t automatically update on another person’s version of the same document like on Google docs for example). At present, it seems the best option is to merge our documents on a regular basis and then work with the new ‘merged’ document.

I was wondering if anyone knows of a more direct /straightforward way of collaborating on ATLAS.ti? Perhaps the cloud version of the software is better for collaborations? Or is there a better way/ software to work on coding a transcript as a team?

Thanks in advance.


One thought on “Seeking advice regarding collaborations on ATLAS.ti

  1. The online version works well in my experience. It has fewer features than the standalone version, but for simultaneous coding it is very convenient. One thing you have to keep in mind is that if your license runs out there is a cap on the number of codes and you lose all the codes above that number. Regular saving is important.